Saturday, September 18, 2010

Humility Be Thy Goal

To know not and admit that one knows not...this is humility.
To know not and and think one knows...this is ignorance and pride
[an overestimation of oneself].
To know not and know one knows not but will not admit one knows not;
this is fear of being wrong [the Right-itis Affliction].
To know, know that one knows and know also when when one knows not...
This is wisdom.


Anonymous said...

So why is this titled "Humility Be Thy Goal"?
Could it not be titled "Wisdom Be thy Goal"?
It seems to me, the world is full of things we "believe", but the deeper you research any belief or any subject, the more hazy the belief becomes. In the end, I am sometimes left with the thought, "Does it even matter?" Or is all the above just another quest for "knowing"?

Anton Stahl said...

Wisdom cannot be attained without
humility for it is the foundation of learning. If one thinks one knows something already, there is know motivation to learn it, even if one does not know what he thinks he knows. Why learn what you already know? Certanily the title could be "Wisdom be thy Goal" but without humility wisdom is not atainable.